Let’s just say that competence might actually be the most relevant criterion in a genre where innovation is left as a rather hard task due to the number of contesters we’ve seen trying to go everso heavy, slow and monumental. Screamo played at half the speed.. should I call it sludge? Post-rock? Who cares. If you know Envy, you know where I’m going. Opener Mort Mort Mort is very sludgy. It’s a storm blowing massive sonic waves at your bay. You get caught, hang on and wait for the eye of the storm to arrive and remind you just how precious those moments of calm beauty can be. The storm sets in again, does its routine and finaly leaves. You see the sun just before it sets.
I’ve been looking forward to this debut album for some time now due to the beautiful artwork and tracks posted a couple of months ago, and finally getting down to business with it, I’m left quite satisfied, but also a little disappointed of the fact that it might not be album of the year. It has some very strong moments but also recalls Daitro and Amanda Woodward too much at times — or maybe that’s a good thing. Up to you. Sounding very similar to Envy, they didn’t create a similar album, but instead chose to go in a little more refreshing direction with more grooves and more distinction between the moods of their songs.
Aussitôt Mort - Montuenga
Level Plane Records, November 2008