Posts Tagged ‘the earth is a man’
Things not to miss in 2011: Revolution in the Middle East, Lionel Messi, and The Earth is a Man, a debut releasing instrumental act from Chicago. If you’re crazy about fago.sepia, Ghosts & Vodka, Pele, Redneck Manifesto etc.. yes well.. this magazine does not compromise on quality, nor does it go far beyond its focus on instrumental, technical, and balanced music. You know the kind that combines geeky musicianship with creativity and passion. So the point is, when you listen to this band, you know it’s being played by really nice people who are having a good time together.
I don’t know them. Assumption confirmed!
Get the debut on bandcamp! before all the hipsters get to them.
The Earth is a Man - s/t
independent, February 2011