YES THERE IS!!! And it’s called Shade Perennial. If you don’t know them, think classic 90s like Silkworm (whom they formed from), Sebadoh, Sea and Cake, Built To Spill and the likes. It’s really wonderful.
26!? I’d personally watch this 26 times any time. EP-IC is my personal 2013 favourite. Thanks, band!!
Old news, but news to me… Shellac has a new album almost finished which should be out soon… at least that’s what they said in May. Check out this find:
Or well, almost… August 20 is the release date. Thanks Native!!
Here we have the second EP from The Zero Years! Ready for your enjoyment. Nice, smooth optimistic math and post-rock. A worthy follow-up to their wonderful first EP from last year.
The Zero Years - Ghosts Move In Silence And I Don't Talk A Lot
Self-released, July 2013
And bless these wonderful jazz-math-licious trip architects and their 21 minute masterpiece.
Mahogany Hand Glider - Bless The Fat
Destroy All Records, April 2013
On June 1st, a 10″ will ship, but the digital version is already released now! Props for not keeping back the digital version, makes it even more understandable as explained by Goddard:
We are so excited to finally announce the digital release of our split 10″ with GIRAFFES? GIRAFFES!. We have been sitting on these recordings since last October, and we were honored when Ken and Joe asked ask to do a split with them. So many people have helped out with this recording, and we are so grateful to everyone esp Steve Albini, Chris Goosman, and David at Furnace MFG. The limited edition 10″ clear/smoke vinyl will be shipping out June 1st. We hope you enjoy.
Notice the part with Steve Albini?
Giraffes? Giraffes + Goddard - 10"
Hello Merch, june, 2013
Mermonte is a new 10-member orchestra with members of fago.sepia, to release a 7″ on May 20.